Monday, June 18, 2012

me like- part 2

found my ideal bag~
tree size verse  
tree size verse  
tree size verse  
the idea of simplicity yet sustainable and functional.
imagine when i add on some studs/spikes, sewing+patches, scratches, ropes... to make it MINE cool is that!!
of course it will be puUrfect if there is at least a pocket outside of the bag? *teary eyes*

tree size verse  
oOoh ya, they have it in brown as well~!!
now the only problem is...what's the weight of the bag.
that's a very crucial question for my ideal-everyday-use bag. *crossing fingers*

another of my favourite!!
yegane dilek- ghost bag  
ghost bag  
have a great week ahead!!

photos from etsy's tree size verse , etsy's yegane dilek

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