Sunday, June 10, 2012

from which new life springs

birdy- "1901"
"skinny love"-
we dated and she's incredibly important person that i loved with for a long time,
but it's about that time in a relationship that i was going through;
you're in a relationship because you need help,
but that's not necessarily why you should be in a relationship.
and that's skinny.
it doesn't have weight.
skinny love doesn't have a chance because it's not nourished.
-thanks to justin vernon for the explanation-

which i think it could happen to any form of relationship- you and career, you and partner, you and friends...definitely wouldn't be you and family, because nobody should/could choose their family.

wasara- biodgradable plate
wasara- earth to earth
wasara products

i love how wasara makes ephemerals with endurable+ japan aesthetic+ functionality.
yet they will return to soil, from which they came, and from which new life springs.

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