Wednesday, August 27, 2014

what a wonderful world

penang aug,2013
penang aug 2013
khoo kongsi, penang
picture i heart the most in khoo kongsi's museum
1 of the exhibit in toy museum, penang
deeply in love with air well
drug of the day~!!
not to be missed steam cake- sold by an old lady
blue mansion aka cheong fatt tze mansion
bus ride home with amazing sunset

people talking but not speaking,
people hearing but not listening,
people at here but not with you...
so what is people actually doing to their life?
you only live once, what is the most that you think you can make yourself worth living?
love my family and my man, xo

Friday, April 26, 2013

I am happy

For I can layback and "wasting" sometime enjoying coffee.
As what quoted: wasting time on something/someone who is worth, that's not wasting.

coffea coffee
Artist, you may stand firm on what you keen on.
But for designer, you are to make users life better and simpler.
And, to simplified good design yet practical beyond it should be, that's not simple.

Happy friday my love ones...xo.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

her new journey begins...

Was her big day, a big news to me, too.
A new bench mark to her and mr.lai.
Wishing them a blissful marriage. Xo

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

happy new year 2013~!!

a heart shape traffic light!!
like no kidding!!spotted this on my very first day of year 2013.
thank year 2013 for telling me how much you love me, that this is going to be a better year to me.
happy new year and may yours filled with abundance of joy, good luck, health and most of all LOVE~!!

*note: also spotted rainbow right after that...and the best part was my man seen what i seen, he was by my side when all these happened.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

what's within- part 2

talk about year 2012...

cherry blossom
january was my happiest moment of the year- the chinese new year~!!
like christmas, you reunion with your love ones and families.
and of course nevertheless--FOOD~!!

february onwards started finding way out of the comfort 6 years+ job.

march + april + may = interviews interviews and still interviewsSs...whilst busy with job's daily tasks.
family, HIM and friend given me lots of support. *teary eyes

not giving up
june, found a new job and final outstation to jakarta with this company.

paolo nutini's AUTUMN
july to september with new company. wasn't a great journey and non stop worries, car broken down but grateful, met plenty of nice people and became friends. take it as a short break of the year.

the value of things is not the time they last,
but the intensity with which they occur.
that is why there are unforgettable moments and people.
- fernando pessoa -

sailing through night
october, thank god,  found another new job, which is the current job im in now.
a lot of time, you just have to believe there is a greater power up there who will plan everything for you and for a reason/reasons..
pray more, be nice and be patience.

up up fly away~!!
started new job in november. 
heaps to learn and felt myself being so useful.
i am happy, yes im announcing that :" i am so HAPPY with current job and thank god for showing me this way."

flashing back and still thankful
being told to a truth that has been covered for months from a best friend.
a lot of time, people telling the truth, mainly not because they wanted to,
they just want to release the guilty-ness.
and it's you, only you yourself who will take care of your own feelings.

yes? YES!!
lucky enough to have few friends, HIM, family and the great power with me.
to walk with me through this whole 12 months of 2012.
i did accomplished 2 of my 2012 resolutions- i quit the previous job (6 years job) and found new jobsSs!!
and yay, i don't see why i should leave the current job for im so enjoying working here now.
+ my year 2012, i did train my patience to become much better now~ *begging you to trust me =p

thank you...
such a fruitful 2012 of mine
greatest appreciation goes to my family and partner.
thank you all for loving me and taking care of me so well.
i love you all...

"passion is a feeling that tells you:
 this is the right thing to do.
 nothing can stand in my way.
 it doesn't matter what anyone else says.
 this feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored.
 i'm going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy."
 - wayne w. dyer -

happy year 2013 to you all and myself~!!
may 2013 is a better year ahead and filled with plenty of joy, love, good lucks and peace.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

what's within- part 1 and my year 2012...

way out- and now i've found
x'mas- season that i always love

some new friends- who i knew wasn't that long, but their footsteps are really deep in my life.
peruvian scarf
i love ethnic stuff
and how they preserve the ethnic whilst add in contemporary & practical elements
and OF COURSE- MUSIC & music and music~!!
and found faith in myself via love ones around me

"...some people think
that the physical things
define what's within
and i've been there before
so full of superficial..."
<if i ain't got you> - alicia keys-

so what have you completed for your year 2012?
see you in next post~!! xo

Sunday, November 25, 2012

.thank you- deep from my heart.

was thanksgiving day and im a bit late here to talk about this.
appreciations are never too late, though.
im grateful, for people around me who love me so much, form the happy me.

T.H.A.N.K Y.O.U-
never seem to be enough for me to express how much i love and feel grateful to have them.

the GRIN
and YAY~!! christmas is getting much more favourite season of the year!!
sharing you one or two of my handmade necklaces- perhaps they could somehow solve your gift-hunting problems? *big smillleeeee*

read this article, found it was way toooo interesting.
instead of being cruel hanging the animal heads on your wall, consider this option:-

how creative these people are!!

wanderlusting here~
hope you all had a warmth and satisfied thanksgiving with your loved ones and families~!!
lots of hugs and kisses xoxoxoxo
love ya'!!