Friday, April 26, 2013

I am happy

For I can layback and "wasting" sometime enjoying coffee.
As what quoted: wasting time on something/someone who is worth, that's not wasting.

coffea coffee
Artist, you may stand firm on what you keen on.
But for designer, you are to make users life better and simpler.
And, to simplified good design yet practical beyond it should be, that's not simple.

Happy friday my love ones...xo.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

her new journey begins...

Was her big day, a big news to me, too.
A new bench mark to her and mr.lai.
Wishing them a blissful marriage. Xo

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

happy new year 2013~!!

a heart shape traffic light!!
like no kidding!!spotted this on my very first day of year 2013.
thank year 2013 for telling me how much you love me, that this is going to be a better year to me.
happy new year and may yours filled with abundance of joy, good luck, health and most of all LOVE~!!

*note: also spotted rainbow right after that...and the best part was my man seen what i seen, he was by my side when all these happened.