Tuesday, September 25, 2012

pretty lil' things

necklace "pretty lil' thing"- by me

when you use your eyes, you might first see the spikes immediately and neglected the beauty of  the line of pearls and crystals.
bad things happened, angels will never absent- one of the pretty thing in life.

"pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick and pull yourself together"
- liz taylor-

you are correct Lizzie, but i would need music instead of the lipstick now. *pray*
tiring life...night night and let's hope for a better tomorrow.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

a rainy saturday afternoon...

...of black & white
better than wearing
wall of frames-always tell one's character & life
black & white wedding
love this
so true
sassy sarah vaughan's voice- perfect for today
"what does it mean if i'm afraid?
 does it mean something bad is going to happen?"
"no, it does't mean something bad is going to happen,
 it just means that you have the chance to be brave."
-c. joybell c.-